Welcome to my blog!

I love what I do for a living!

I am entering my third decade of the solo practice of law, and I can’t think of anything else I would rather do.

Every day, I get to make a living helping other people. Part of what I do is answering questions for people who have never been through the legal process.

But I love what I get to do for my clients. I help injured people navigate the complex and tricky world of insurance claims.

I advise and defend people accused of crimes of all sorts, many of whom have never been in the system.

I get to assist divorcing parents through some of the toughest times of their lives. In other words, I get to make a difference, and I love it.

In this blog, I hope to share some of my thoughts about the legal world, and to share some of the information I give when people call me with their questions. 

I hope you will find something that you agree with, something that provokes thought, and, maybe, something that surprises you. My name is Douglas Brown, and I’m glad you’re here.

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