Douglas D. Brown: Your Advocate Through Life's Challenges

When life presents you with complex family law matters, you need an attorney who combines legal prowess with genuine compassion. With three decades of experience, Douglas D. Brown is dedicated to being the advocate you need, guiding you through the emotional and legal intricacies of your unique situation.

At the Law Office of Douglas D. Brown, we understand that family law issues can be all-consuming, affecting every aspect of your life. Douglas takes the time to listen to your story, understand your concerns, and craft a personalized legal strategy that aligns with your goals and values.

Douglas D. Brown’s comprehensive family law practice areas include:


Whether you are facing a contested or uncontested divorce, Douglas will be by your side, providing steady guidance and support as you navigate matters such as property division, alimony, and child custody.

Child Custody and Visitation:

Douglas understands the paramount importance of your child’s well-being and works tirelessly to help you achieve a custody arrangement that fosters a healthy and nurturing relationship between your child and both parents.

Child Support:

Ensuring your child’s financial needs are met is crucial. Douglas approaches child support matters with a keen eye for detail, working to achieve a fair outcome that allows your child to thrive.

Alimony/Spousal Support:

The financial implications of a divorce can be complex. Douglas can help you understand your rights and obligations regarding alimony and provide the guidance you need to secure your financial future.

Property Division:

Dividing marital assets can be an emotionally charged process. Douglas approaches property division with a deep understanding of the sentimental value attached to shared possessions and works diligently to achieve an equitable outcome.

Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements:

Planning for the future is an act of love and responsibility. Douglas can help you craft prenuptial or postnuptial agreements that protect your interests and provide peace of mind.


Establishing paternity is essential for protecting parental rights and ensuring child support obligations are met. Douglas can guide you through the legal process of establishing or challenging paternity.

Domestic Violence:

If you are a victim of domestic violence, Douglas can help you obtain the necessary protective orders and provide the support you need to ensure your safety and well-being.


Growing your family through adoption is a joyous occasion. Douglas can help you navigate the legal complexities of the adoption process, ensuring a smooth and successful transition.

At the Law Office of Douglas D. Brown, we recognize that every client’s journey is unique, and we are committed to providing the personalized attention and unwavering support you need every step of the way. If you are facing a family law issue, contact Douglas D. Brown today at (985) 310-6900 or to schedule a consultation. Let him be the compassionate advocate you need during this transformative chapter of your life.